Archive for the 'Thai' Category
Italian-Indian-Thai Fusion Lamb Meatballs With Black Spaghetti
Posted: Antti February 27th, 2006 in categories India, Italy, Meat, Pasta, Recipes, Sauces and dips, ThaiI’m sure many of you fellow foodies get occassional nagging cravings that can’t be cured by any other means than a proper cooking session with the right ingredients. In my case the problem often is that I don’t exactly know what I want. A few days ago I was once again unsatisfied with my planned […]
Greenshell Mussels in Saffron & Coconut Bisque
Posted: Antti February 18th, 2006 in categories New Zealand, Recipes, Seafood, Soups, Thai, TravelingI was backpacking in New Zealand around the turn of the year, and since I was on a budget, I bought at least one meal each day from supermarkets. Each and every store carried a huge selection of mussel products: pickled, fresh, smoked, barbequed or baked into pies. The common denominator was the mussel species: […]
Steaming – The New Black of Cooking
Posted: Antti February 16th, 2006 in categories China, Recipes, Sauces and dips, Seafood, ThaiHomer: “See Marge, they could deep-fry my shirt.” Marge: “I didn’t say they couldn’t. I said you shouldn’t.” When it comes to my new love – steaming – Marge’s wisdom of avoiding the unknown doesn’t quite apply: Why don’t you try to steam something you haven’t before! Besides, frying pretty much destroys any and all […]
Vihre?n papaijan tuoksu
Posted: Anna February 13th, 2006 in categories Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, New York, Recipes, Salads, Seafood, Thai, Traveling, USA, VietnamAivan k?rkeen viime vuonna sy?mist?ni aterioista kirii illallinen ravintola Phnom-Penhiss? Vancouverissa. Kyseess? on ulkoisesti vaatimaton ja hinnoiltaan edullinen kamputsealainen perhepaikka piskuisen Chinatownin ja narkkariraunioiden p??tesijoituspaikan Downtown Eastsiden puristuksessa. Sy?m?mme vihre?st? papaijasta tehty salaatti ja rapupata tyrehdyttiv?t keskustelun ja saivat aprikoimaan milloin viimeksi pistimme suuhumme mit??n yht? maukasta. Kaupunki oli muutenkin mielet?n kulinaarinen el?mys. Tinkim?t?n satsaus […]
Rapu-bok choy -wokki
Posted: Antti February 8th, 2006 in categories Recipes, Seafood, ThaiVii voanista ostamani rapus?ilyke osoittautui ala-arvoiseksi, mik? latisti hieman t?m?n thai-wokin nauttimista. Uskon kuitenkin, ett? paremmilla raaka-aineilla reseptill? on potentiaalia. K?ytt?m?ni rapu oli muuten ihan ok, mutta sekaan oli j??nyt turhan paljon niit? ruotomaisia “levyj?”, joita ravun lihan v?list? l?ytyy. J?ttipussi baby bok choyt? maksoi vain kolme ja puoli euroa (€4,00 kilolta) Kolmannen linjan Aseanic […]
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