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Author Archive for Anna

Lomittajakin liukeni varhain uudenvuodenaamuna viikon talvihuilausreissulle. Matka oli erittäin ruokaisa ja rentouttava, mutta kotiinpaluu on tavalliseen tapaan hieman ruhjovaa ja rähjäännyttävää. Tässä nyt alkupaloiksi matkaa ennakoiva postaus (jäi aikanaan uudenvuodenhulinoilta viimeistelemättä) joka tunnelmoi eräällä matkakohteeni perushöysteistä, guacamolella. Reissun edellä jääkaappia eriasteisista mikrobiviljelmistä tyhjentäessä käteen osui kauhea virheostos, pari kuukautta vanha guacamole-purkki. Töhnän maku oli alkujaankin […]

Once again, I broke up with New York. It’s an on – off relationship: my love affair with the City tends to grind to a halt by the beginning of July. Now that I am away from it all, I do get occasional intense longings for the rumble of the elevated tracks, for sleepy afternoons […]

Not long ago I spent a few days in Barcelona. Although my work schedule was pretty hectic, we managed to squeeze in a memorable dinner at Cata 1.81 in Eixample. Great wine, countless miniature courses of delicious morsels, and effortlessly stylish surroundings that put to shame New York”?s wannabe Barcelonas [insert your favorite recently opened […]

One More for the Road

Just back from a weeklong drive around Finland. Maitohorsma is in full bloom all over Finland, and the scenery is incredibly pretty, although a bit repetitive. Trees, trees and a whole lot more trees, dotted with lakes and more lakes. One of the biggest challenges to traveling in Nordic countries is that in most smaller […]

The Bonfire of the Vanities

After the calorie-laden Easter festivities, this piece of advertising from the wall of one of the huge warehouses along the Riverside Viaduct seems particularly appropriate. I want lighter fare – I want salad. I also want something that is really tasty. Proust was transported back to his youth when he dipped a madeleine into a […]


Author Archive for Anna.

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