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Archive for the 'Finland' Category

Elk Osso Buco

If you are one of those tens of thousands of Finnish hunters who don”?t know what to do with all that elk meat they”?ve shot this season, read ahead. If you are like me and didn”?t have the time to go hunting for the fifth year in a row, read ahead. If you just love […]

Sinappidressing joulun kalaherkuille

Bongasin tämän reseptin telkkarista jonkin julkkiskokin ohjelmasta. Hän kertoi reseptin olevan alun perin Ravintola Palacesta. Mene ja tiedä, mutta ihan pätevän kastikkeen lohelle ja vastaaville voimakkaan makuisille kaloille tästä saa. Sinapiksi tähän sopii perinteinen Dijon, mutta miedompaa makua hakevalle jokin pehmeämpi sinappi voisi olla paikallaan. Maillen hunajainen au Miel on ehdottomasti kokeilemisen väärti. SINAPPIDRESSING 50 […]

Pasha is a traditional Finnish Easter dish, especially in the Eastern parts of the country. It was brought here by the Russian Orthodox church hundreds of years ago, and is eaten to celebrate the end of the lent. You may know pasha with a little different name – pascha, pashka, or something similar. Pasha is […]

Once again, I broke up with New York. It’s an on – off relationship: my love affair with the City tends to grind to a halt by the beginning of July. Now that I am away from it all, I do get occasional intense longings for the rumble of the elevated tracks, for sleepy afternoons […]

  Jaloviina or Jallu is a legendary Finnish cut brandy, which is made by blending cognac with grain liquor. Its production began in 1932 as a cheaper alternative for cognac, and originally this three star grade Jallu had 3/4 of cognac. The Second World War cut luxury item supplies, and in 1940 Jallu had to […]


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