Doughboy -ruokablogi

Archive for the 'Sauces and dips' Category

I’m sure many of you fellow foodies get occassional nagging cravings that can’t be cured by any other means than a proper cooking session with the right ingredients. In my case the problem often is that I don’t exactly know what I want. A few days ago I was once again unsatisfied with my planned […]

Meat is Murder?

We have cooked *a lot* of fish lately. More will follow, but tonight I have serious red meat cravings and will just make a sirloin steak. Last year when we travelled in Argentina, I came across the best bife de lomo I have ever eaten. Argentine beef is tasty and tender beyond belief. It was […]

Steaming – The New Black of Cooking

Homer: “See Marge, they could deep-fry my shirt.” Marge: “I didn’t say they couldn’t. I said you shouldn’t.” When it comes to my new love – steaming – Marge’s wisdom of avoiding the unknown doesn’t quite apply: Why don’t you try to steam something you haven’t before! Besides, frying pretty much destroys any and all […]


Viime vuoden toinen huippuruokailukokemus oli Buenos Aires. Kosmopoliittisen maailmankaupungin ravintolaruoka oli osin niin sidoksissa itse paikan tunnelmaan, ett? sit? ei oikein kotikeitti?ss? kannata l?hte? j?ljittelem??n. Ainakaan minun taidoillani. Argentiinalaiset ovat t?ysin jumissa dulce de lecheen, ruskeaan pehme??n tahmaan joka on kirjaimellisesti karamellisoitunutta maitoa, jonkinlainen kinuskin isoveli. Se on erityisen hyv?? j??tel?n kastikkeena ja j?lkiruoissa. Tavara […]

Ajattelin ensin otsikoida postauksen “Antin ‘I Don’t Wanna Be Single’ Penne alla Vodka”, mutta olkoon nyt alkuper?isess? asussaan. Toivottavasti lopputulos on sama, j??n odottelemaan :) Penne alla Vodka on italialainen keksint?, joskin Italiasta sit? on nykyisin melko vaikea l?yt??. Ruokalajin historia juontaa 1970-luvulle, jolloin vodka oli viel? tuntematonta Italiassa, ja maahantuojat tekiv?t kaikkensa saadakseen sen […]


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