Archive for the 'Japan' Category
Teriyaki Meatballs
Posted: Antti August 16th, 2006 in categories Japan, Meat, Recipes, Sauces and dipsLong time, no post. I’ve been busy with work, and had a broken arm for some time, plus my apartment was under renovation, so apologies for long posting intervals :) I’m on a short business trip to Mariehamn, Åland, and having some extra time before my flight departs back home, so I figured this is […]
Lady Liberty Takes An Ice Cream Break
Posted: Anna March 24th, 2006 in categories Desserts, Japan, New York, RecipesIt’s good to back in New York. My New York, the unsung Uptown, where I’m enveloped by the golden vowels of Antillean Spanish and the throb of bachata and reggaetón from passing cars. The ribbon of park along Riverside where strangers smile and greet each other every morning. Bodegas where air fresheners are so strong […]
A Quick Fix – Asian Udon Noodles
Posted: Anna February 28th, 2006 in categories Japan, Korea, New York, Pasta, Recipes, Soups, USA, VeggieInstead of celebrating Mardi Gras in a skimpy costume to the beat of steel drums in Trinidad, I’m stuck in freezing cold New York stuffing two gigantic suitcases, preparing to take off for Finland. On days like this when food is just an afterthought, I often stop by the wonderful Japanese-Korean convenience store in my […]
Mmm, sushia! Grr, kallista!
Posted: Antti February 3rd, 2006 in categories Australia, Japan, Seafood, TravelingVuosikausien viivytystaistelun j?lkeen olen tehnyt el?m?ni ensimm?isen maki-rullan. Yay! En muista, milloin olen sy?nyt sushia tai ylip??t??n japanilaista ruokaa ensimm?isen kerran. Paikka on kyll? tiedossa – Kabuki Lapinlahdenkadulla – ja koska se on ollut samassa osoitteessa yli viidentoista vuoden ajan, luulen omasta ensikokeilustani olevan kymmenisen vuotta. Jossain lukion ja fuksivuoden v?limaastossa kuitenkin. Kotona meill? on […]
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