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Author Archive for Anna

Eskimo Pie

When visiting New York before Christmas, my cousin Thomas brought us authentic Nürnberger Lebkuchen. Lots and lots of them, in fact ;) Today, I realized that although the holidays are long gone, the last three of those German Christmas cookies were still lingering in the cupboard. I am by no means a sports fan, but […]

Meat is Murder?

We have cooked *a lot* of fish lately. More will follow, but tonight I have serious red meat cravings and will just make a sirloin steak. Last year when we travelled in Argentina, I came across the best bife de lomo I have ever eaten. Argentine beef is tasty and tender beyond belief. It was […]

Gravlax Takes a Tipple

When friends from abroad visit Helsinki, we tend to stuff them to their gills with herring, salmon, trout, and arctic char. No wonder foreign visitors quickly form the impression that Finns eat nothing but fish. While this is wildly incorrect, Finland does have over 1,000 kilometers of seaside and 190,000 lakes. When I was growing […]

Brioche Helsinki – New York All Night Long

Living in New York, I”?m constantly homesick for good bread. In my neighborhood bodegas, the bread is suffocated in plastic; the sweet stuff comes from Entenmann”?s and would survive a nuclear winter. A Dominican bakery that is just a few blocks from us makes fresh pastries every day – unfortunately the bakers there are rather […]


Viime vuoden toinen huippuruokailukokemus oli Buenos Aires. Kosmopoliittisen maailmankaupungin ravintolaruoka oli osin niin sidoksissa itse paikan tunnelmaan, ett? sit? ei oikein kotikeitti?ss? kannata l?hte? j?ljittelem??n. Ainakaan minun taidoillani. Argentiinalaiset ovat t?ysin jumissa dulce de lecheen, ruskeaan pehme??n tahmaan joka on kirjaimellisesti karamellisoitunutta maitoa, jonkinlainen kinuskin isoveli. Se on erityisen hyv?? j??tel?n kastikkeena ja j?lkiruoissa. Tavara […]


Author Archive for Anna.

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